Sunday, March 11, 2012

My "Nothing Like the Sun" Moment

Some people could call me a Peeping Tom but I don't quite like that description.  Too extreme, I think. I do though like to peep into other people's windows.  Not standing and staring with my face against the glass, mind you.  But rather when I'm walking or riding in a car, I like to gaze into a window and see how people are living.  True, I can catch a glimpse of someone's life but I can also see how someone has designed his or her dwelling.  So while gazing into other people's windows can satisfy a sense of voyeuristic curiosity for me, it also can be creatively inspiring.

One moment which sticks out in my head is when I was taking a walk on a rather overcast day in Bordeaux.  It was Sunday.  I was a bored exchange student and needed some fresh air.  While walking along the rue de Turenne, I remember peering into one apartment window in which the walls were all white and there hanging on the left wall, I believe, was this huge poster of Sting's Nothing Like the Sun cover.  The white wall with only the stark black-and-white image on it instantly caught my attention.  There was nothing cluttered or cloying about the space.  The simplicity and drama of having one item as a focal point stayed in my mind.

When I shortly moved into a smaller one-room studio, I replicated this focal point strategy by purchasing a poster of Green Day to liven up my walls.  The poster was a cheap and easy way to brighten up my place.  I didn't frame it but used some double-sided tape to hang the poster.  Without the poster, my place would have looked pretty bland.

Even though it's been about 17 years since my Nothing Like the Sun moment and I currently use knick-knacks to decorate my place, I still like the strategy of having one item as a focal point to add color and focus to a room.

What's your take?  Do you use one item as focal point in a room or for a setting?  Do you prefer to use a variety of materials/colors to create a general mood to  your living space?
image source

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